City Varsity creative writing class 2014
My first creative writing class got off to a cracking start. We took as our starting point, the question “why do I write.” The students spent 10 minutes writing why they write. I invited them to share afterwards and three
Sunday short story: The Bull
My first Sunday short story. The Bull The bulls head hung heavy on his thick neck. Breath bombs exploded out of his damp nose, across the dewy grass. the bull patrolled the field that separated our house from the farm,
Short story Sundays
I’ve always felt compelled to write fiction. I’ve started and shelved at least three bad novels. Believe me, they needed to be shelved. At about a third of the way into each of these doomed creations, the idea of spending
Write a short story in 6 weeks: Creating character – learning from the master\’s
For the remainder of 2013, I’ve decided to immerse myself in short stories. I teach creative writing and have discovered that short stories are a great way to introduce my students, who are generally reluctant readers, to a wide range
Depressed? Me?
I’ve just come out of depression, an experience that I have always dismissed as a kind of indulgence. Now I know better. For eight weeks, my world looked dreary and bleak; I felt enthusiasm for nothing. I knew something was

Discovering Philip Hoare
One of the great pleasures of reading is finding writers who share your passions. I recently found a writer who loves both the ocean and Bowie. Philip Hoare was born and lives in Southampton where I’m currently living. He lectures